Hi all,

I just registered a couple of months ago, and I just found out about the existence of this BBS. Although I'm quite excited
about the day my number is up on the queue, I won't be that concerned if it doesn't occur for another year (#11537). I need a
chance to get the money together, anyway =).

Anyway, until then, I'd like to get familiarized with Linux so that I'll be able to get the fullest experience with my empeg.
I'm a Sophomore CS major with some C++ and assembly experience, but I've never worked in any environment other
than Windows, and I really would like to hop abourd the penguin-wagon. Anybody have any suggestions as to where I
can start?? At home I'm running Win 98 on a new PIII 450 w/128mb RAM that's already starting to struggle with typical
Win 98 garbage. I'd like to change over. Anyway, any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Jon <><
Jon <><