Write after I posted this I got off my butt and looked for one ... I found plenty but most were crippled. I came across gramofile (Linux & Windows). It like several others forced you to run a track auto-detect algorithm, which fails miserably on this live CD. The benefit about this app, however, is that you get to edit it's track text file, putting in your own split times and number of splits. No one else had an option to do this manually.

The unpleasantness was spending a number of hours in Neo's Wave Editor listening and pinpointing the exact split for 15 tracks (none are obvious). Sadly I'm not big on the Rollins Band (just his spoken word stuff), and my teeth were clenched during the whole session, now I've got a headache.

If any of you would like the track split file I have for this CD, let me know. Save yourself the time.
