Both IISOUT1 and IISOUT2 pins on the DSP are connected by traces leading to an area marked as "IIS" on the Empeg motherboard. Besides IIS1 and IIS2 (actually SDATA signals), this output header contains a pad with LRCLK, SCLK, and ground. I believe Hugo meant that the MCK pad (the 11.2896 MHz oscillator signal which is 256 times the 44.1 KHz sampling rate of the Empeg hardware) was inadvertently omitted. from this "IIS" header. That header is not labeled "IIC" despite what Hugo says. The digital out board has a ribbon cable which connects to IISOUT1 as well as LRCLK, SCLK (we get ground from a screw rather than the ground pad because it was tough to solder to), and directly to one side of the 11.2896 MHz crystal. The sub out board would use IISOUT2 rather than IISOUT1, but all other connections would be the same.

I have attached a picture from our soon to be completed manual to illustrate.


103207-connections.jpg (169 downloads)

If you want it to break, buy Sony!