- Beta 11a
- Go to "Now and Next" screen.
- Listen to entire player, shuffled (activate shuffle and press bottom button three times).
- Press "Direct OK" three times to reach "Search by Title".
- Press "CD-MD CH" once to switch to "Append by Title".
- Type in characters to search for a specific song.
- Press DNPP to confirm that song.

Not only does it appear to completely reshuffle, not only is the "searched" song nowhere to be seen on the "Now and Next" screen, not only is the current song interrupted to begin playing a random song from the newly shuffled list, but it plays that random song from a point in the middle somewhere (possibly corresponding to the place you were in the song you were listening to already).

I assume this is due to the new playlist and shuffling code being incompatible with the old "Append by Title" code, so no big deal. Just reporting it like a dutiful beta tester.

Hey, when you do get around to fixing this one, can you have it insert the "searched" song right in there after the current song instead of at the end of the playlist? I think there was a discussion about it on the Wish List recently...

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris