That sucks. It's like they want people to start paying for their online music, but they don't provide good quality mp3's! I've got no problem paying a monthly fee for my music (I do for my tv programmes, so why not my music?) but I'm not going to as long as they only provide 128kbps! Good God, I've abandoned 128kbps a LONG time ago. I use AT LEAST 192kbps (preferably even higher AND VBR, though I could live with 192kbps CBR).

I hope they're not using this as a test case, 'cause then I can imagine when it fails they'll say : "see, we gave people the opportunity now and it's STILL not a success!"
Of course not! If DVD's only had VHS quality and no 5.1 sound I can guarantee you that they would have failed as well, innovating or not.
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