Hear! Hear! (There! There!) Aside from a brief DNS nap, I'd hardly notice.

Thanks to Tom and Paul....and to the many folks who kicked around options...the thread on "what to do" was heartening to read, BBS-wise. Tom. if there's a small hardware bit that I could help with -- underwrite (disk drive? ) give a yell.

Things do seem do be a tiny bit zippier here on the left coast...I hope that folks now farther removed are not getting just the sleepy packets.

That "Old Hand" label is gone (sniff!), but I should be thankful for any chance to dump anything "old" overboard.

And ....Hmmm, perhaps this server shift was a cathartic....maybe other old things and any bad juju has been left behind.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.