I'd skipped over this thread until last night.

I had to install Jukebox on my mp3 server machine so my girlfriend could load up song to her Riot a few months back. I don't use that machine much... it generally just sits there serving mp3s. Last night i popped in a CD to copy from a friend and Real ONE JukeCRAPbox took over and started freaking out, indexing, backing up some database i'd never seen, and on and on. I was beyond pissed. That program takes WAY WAY too much control over so many things. Not only that, but i went to re-install the Rio Reciever software so i could try out on of the new modified .arf files, and when it reindexed my drive, the Reciever software also imported the Real Jukebox databases... whatever the hell those are.

ROB.. PLEASE tell me there will be another way to load stuff on the Riot SOON so i can get this evil piece of software off my machine!!
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