Okay, has anyone done anything on this yet?
Christmas break is coming soon, and last year at that time I implemented a khttpd for Hijack while trapped at the in-laws over the holidays. With a similar scenario shaping up again this year, maybe I'll look at something simpler, like getting execve() to work for config.ini menu items..

Anyone else done anything on this??



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Well, you need some kind of way to start up your app so it can bind to the menu.

OR.. you could tackle a project that has been needed for about 6months or so: I need somebody to figure out (code & test) a kernel function to launch a userland commandline, and wait (non-blocking poll) for it to exit, and retrieve the exit status.

Given that functionality, we could turn the whole thing around, and have Hijack launch the apps on-demand (menu item selected), using config.ini to bind menu entries to userland commandlines.

If it were all userland, it would be as simple as invoking execve() from libc. In kernelspace, there is also an "execve()", but the semantics differ ever so subtlely. I hacked at it briefly last winter, and got nowhere on the first couple of attempts, and dropped it for more pressing features that needed doing..