Changing the name doesn't fool my rio portable CD player, for some reason - Rob suggested the same. I find it convenient to load all my files of radio programmes to Empeg, and the portable, as MP3's and Dabbar means that I don't have to convert them, just edit with DirectCut and load.

Incidentally, when Wavefinder fails me, I'm finding it very useful to be able to go to the BBC player( quality a problem, but better than missing the programme completely) and download using Audiotools: Which is a darn good programme for turning your tapes and records to MP3 as well:, I think.

Maybe, we should start an unofficial Wavefinder forum and cut out the middleman! But I haven't forgotten that the purpose of this thread is to establish a date for BBC Aberdeen Dab, and I'm still working on it -BBC source didn't know, so I'm relying on Alistair at Dabbar on his return, unless someone else has an answer?
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag