Import sorting.

I'm working from memory here, so if I'm totally off track on this, just call me on it.

It would be nice if I could get jEmplode to sort on user-defined criteria when you insert new tunes. Right now, unless I'm mistaken, it automatically sorts new tunes based on their filename. If I want them to be sorted by track number, I currently have to get them sorted that way in the list and then click on the ``remember this order''-type button. Since I want them sorted that way 99% of the time, it would be nice if I could make that the default.

I know, you're saying, ``well, why aren't your tracks' filenames in correct alphabetical order?'' and my answer would be that they are, but I have an apparently insane friend who doesn't see the light on that one like you and I do. Regardless, I can see where this might be handy for other applications as well.
Bitt Faulk