You should be using the amp remote lead to turn on the amps, not the power antenna lead. The power anteanna lead is only found on the tuner extension cable and is only "hot" when the radio is on.

(So I assume that you're actually using the amp remote and just didn't know what it was called.)

The only time I've ever seen the lighting fuse get blown in a car is when the stereo wiring was hooked up wrong. When I saw it happen, it was because a ground wire was plugged into the car harness' headlight-sense wire.

I'm guessing you went by "Color" when wiring your car up, and hooked the orange wire from the sled to the orange wire on the car harness. That's the problem I'll bet, or at least something like it.

Usually aftermarket harnesses use Orange to indicate the headlight-sense wire. But the Rio Car Sled uses orange to indicate the igntion-switched wire (I think it should have been red instead).

So triple check your wiring, and don't rely on the colors. Look at the labeling and make sure you know for certain what each wire does.
Tony Fabris