I've been toying with adding 802.11 to the home network for all the usual geeky reasons. I see two ways to do it and I'm curious what people think. Right now, I've got a PowerMac G4 and a Linksys DSL Router/Firewall/4-port hub. There are two ways to solve the problem that I can see:

- Buy a new firewall/hub (such as the $150 Linksys) with 802.11 built-in
- Buy an Apple AirPort card ($99) and let my PowerMac be a router

The benefit of getting the external base station is that the PowerMac doesn't need to be on for it to work. The benefit of getting the AirPort card, on the other hand, is presumably more control over the wireless clients (so I could, for example, virtually have the wireless network "outside" my firewall).

Thoughts on this? Does anybody have the fancy Linksys router/firewall/base station thing? How configurable is it?