OK, latest and greatest files are now available for 2b13 and hijack 283. MountHack, ext3, and (obviously) e2fsck did not change. The rest didn't change much. I probably won't be able to test the new version until tomorrow myself, but if somebody wants to beat me to it the files are at.. http://macgeek.dyndns.org/empeg/ext3/ext3-0.0.3b.patch.gz http://macgeek.dyndns.org/empeg/ext3/empeg2b13-2.2.17.diff.gz http://macgeek.dyndns.org/empeg/ext3/mountHack.patch.gz http://macgeek.dyndns.org/empeg/ext3/v283.hijack.v200b13-2.2.17+ext3.patch.gz http://macgeek.dyndns.org/empeg/ext3/zImage-mk2-linux2.2.17-hj283-ext3-mh.gz http://macgeek.dyndns.org/empeg/ext3/e2fsck.gz It is a lot of work to maintain that many different patches. If you aren't compiling stuff yourself all you need is the last two and the instructions earlier in this thread. -Mike
EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration