As I said before, can you remove the harness from the car and listen to the front/rear pairs (not the home outputs) when powered from the home adapter. If the noise is still present on the 4v outputs, I'm suspicious of a production fault - it sounds to me like the 10v PSU jumper hasn't been fitted, which means the chip that powers the 4v outputs is being powered by the inputs. Erk.

Confirmed. I removed the sled and hooked the front speakers up to my PC speakers. I then put the empeg into the sled and powered it up using the home power cord. If I turned the volume on the speakers up enough, I could hear the same "whine" and "hard drive noise while accessing" through the speakers that I could hear in my Jeep. It is *much* more distinctive in the Jeep though, possibly because the garbage signal is being amplified by a real amplifier and not this wussy PC speaker system I use.

Any suggestions? Is it possible for me to look inside the empeg and see if this 10v PSU jumper has been fitted or not?


