I definitely will change the wires out now, the main reason is that I have to trace all of the wires now. The diagrams on the Internet and wiring harness are different from the actual colors and wires in the car. The diagram says that there shouldn't be a wire in one location and there is. And some of the colors are different.

And I don't plan on selling this car for another 10 years, and by that time I might as well just keep it. I do my own work on it, and I replace parts before they go bad. I am fighting against some rust that built up while it was in Michigan, but now it is in Arizona and it shouldn't rust anymore.

I'll post some pictures of my installation job when I get done. It is a very crazy install. I've had to use metal files, coping saws, and drills in order to make it fit. Has anybody else made their empeg fit in a Saturn?