You are right, I've added that option into the poll:

---Original Post---

Well, I've been thinking about the Climbing trip, and we have a few decisions to make. The destination for the climbing trip is the Red River Gorge, a first class rock climbing destination.

First is when we should leave for the Red. I will be taking the next Monday off to climb, but it is always nice to climb for more than one day. I know that if someone goes to the meet and really wants to climb some cool stuff (Mark Lord) then I would even extend my vacation out a day or so to Tuesday or Wed. Back to the original question though: we could either leave Sunday around noon or Sunday night. Either way we will be camping Sun. night in tents/sleeping bags that you will have to provide if you would like to go. If that is objectionable, I could try to find some cabins to rent, but I would rather camp (better experiance).

If we leave on Sunday morning/noontime we could climb on Sunday. If we leave Sunday night it will have to be on Monday (it is a 2 hour drive to the Red from Cinci). I would like to get some numbers as to who is coming, so here is a little poll:

Q: Is it safe?
A: Yes, it is very safe. The type of climbing you will be doing is toproping (after the climb has been lead by me), which is very foolproof. Think of raising a weight using a pully system. Let's just say your chances of being injured are greater hiking or driving your car.

Q: Do I need upper body strength?
A: No. Climbing should be 75% with your legs and 25% with your arms. The idea is to push yourself up with your legs while using your arms to hold your body close to the rock. My wife cannot do more than 1 pullup and she climbs as well as I do.

I'm looking forward to your feedback. If you have any comments or questions feel free to ask away!
Rock Climbing Options
Only one choice allowed

Votes accepted starting: 27/06/2004 19:33
View the results of this poll.
Mark Cushman