Ok folks...

Some of might remember that a couple of days back I was talking about 'how to make a nice hand-out of all music stored on the Empeg'. At the same time I was already playing around with VBA for MS-Office, and this weekend I've completed a macro for this. Its still very beta stuff, so keep me informed for bugs or extra features required.
Let me know how you think about this toy!

What is it
It's a MS-Word 6.0 (and up) document including a macro which uses the Empeg database file (in CSV-format) as input for generating a catalogue. This database file can be exported from Emplode or jEmpode (be sure selecting CSV-format).
On request the macro generates:
- Table of Contents
- Overview of albums with their title - artist
- Overview of artists with their songs

What does it need
- MS-Word 95/97 (6.0 and up)
- Excel (since its interfacing to Excel)
- A printer

How to use
Unzip the EmpegMusicCatalogue.zip and open the document inside Word. Next execute the macro by ALT+F8 and play the 'StartGeneratingCatalogue'-macro.

What do I want
Just deliver me an e-mail if you like it with bug reports and recommendations.

Another request from me
Who can store this on www.riocar.org? I do not have a server to put my code there.

106266-EmpegMusicCatalogue.zip (48 downloads)