For instance, I have a friend who likes those Discovery Channel documentaries about tornadoes and hurricanes. She calls it "weather porn". Those catalogs that are filled with routers, cables, and other networking products are, to me, "sysadmin porn". Etc.

I call that sad - allthough, I aint hyped up as most (or is that all) of you about the MK2, just looking at those pics makes me ask myself why I bought a MK1 (I'm still glad I did).

As for seeing some components behind the display, what would it matter, there isn't much to see is there, I mean, on the MK1 it would have looked a little odd, but with the way the new facia is, it's not going to effect it very much (juding by the pix that is)

Proud owner of #161
Proud owner of #161