to finish this old thread off, after some slacking on my part, the empeg has safely arrived back from it's birthplace back home, and into the loving arms of it's owner (me).

total cost for repairs on the unit were 65 pounds. shipping was 75 pounds. total was a little over $200 US. well worth it, IMHO, and it works better than ever. thanks to david and all the empeg guys. these gadgets are my favorite things in the world.
on a side note, i bought one of ttony's 10 gig empegs for sale on this board when mine was swiped and i thought i had no other choice. it's now for sale if anyone wants it. in perfect condition with all accessories. i paid $515, and i'll sell for $500 + shipping. if i get no answers, it'll probably go up on ebay this weekend.
thanks for everyone's support. it's wonderful to see and hear it back in my car. now i need a bigger hard drive and a nice case.