Am I the only person who disliked Staroffice 5.2? I mean, yes it was free and so I used it instead of those other products. But I got so frustrated at the incredibly weird user interface.
Yes, StarOffice had wierd default behavior -- that whole very presumptuous replacement desktop type of approach. Didn't like it, but figured out how to turn it off. Not sure that I still would love StarOffice, but it certainly presented a compelling value proposition when the cost was zero (and when it could open Word docs that Word could not!!). I used "jay" and "research" in my story to hide the nature of that company's business and its identity, but trust me when I say that they could ill afford to part with $300K...but somehow did. I''d say that 95 percent of their computer users probably used 5 percent of the features of Word -- they could have done their work with Notepad. If I had been CIO and CEO, I know the choice I would have made.
Blame-wise, I think it is a mixed bag. Microsoft practices in achieving near monopoly on the desktop were complemented by the "nobody ever got fired for buying ____" mindset.
I might part with $30 when the new SO comes out. Is that how much it will be? Will it have reveal codes??? Pleeeeze???
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.