Last time I was in Seattle someone told me that Boeing were pulling out of the area big time, and it was all doom and gloom. Not true?

Boeing moved headquarters to Chicago, and, yes, that's a sore point for a lot of folks who saw it as "our" company. Boeing said they wanted a handier location and one that represented the "new", more diverse Boeing ("Not just airplanes, but Death Stars, too!")

Some saw it as punishment for Washington State's complete paralysis when it comes ot matters of transportation/transit. More significant, I think,is that it got the CEO 1500 miles away from picketing machinists and engineers ("Ha! Try and picket me *now*!"). Rather than the CEO being hostage to Seattle/Washington, now it's the other way around.

I've never done the Everett factory tour, but they're still making 777s and such up there and I think the tours are still on.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.