Dude, that seriously sucks.

How about a story that might make you smile, or even laugh?

I have a 30g and when the prices dropped, I bought a 10g as a spare. I took the 10g out of the box long enough to try it out and make sure it worked - it has a grand total of one song loaded on it. After that I wrapped it up and put it somewhere for safe keeping. My job keeps me really, really, busy and I travel a lot. Somewhere in the mess I call a brain I forgot to store where I put it.

So I shipped the 30g off for repairs (the warranty ends this month) and went to replace it with the 10g. I managed to find the sled, cables, manual, original box, and cds, but no empeg. I can't remember where I put it. So far I went through the house twice looking for it, going for round three today. Makes me feel foolish - makes me wish I had somebody to blame besides myself too...