Hrm... I'm getting that, as well. Does Launcher still run despite that output? In my case, it does...

I don't think it's related to launcher. As a test, I removed all my preinit scripts from the preinit.d directory (except for N01mountdrives, and N02telnetd). I rebooted the player, and got no warning messages. I added M01launcher back in, and got the error again. I took MO1launcher out, and replaced it with M02empacman (which runs /usr/local/bin/empacman). Rebooting again, I get the error.

I've tested with preinit.v3, v4, and v5 beta.

My best guess is that preinit is bulding a list of M scripts to run, and after everything gets started, tries to start a non-existant script -- a potential example of the classic "off by one" error. As a test, I added a bunch of extra preinit scripts that just have "echo starting $0" in them. It doesn't matter how many are in the directory, I only get the error after all of them have been run. Similarly, I don't get the error if there aren't any M scripts at all...

Oh, and in my testing, there is definately something very strange going on with empacman. It immediately yanks all the button bindings and display for itself. It's done that consistently whenever I try launching any other user hijack app.
