
I have a question to about adding a new HDD under Linux. I did buy a 60GB IDE HDD to have more disc space on my webserver. At the moment there are only 3GB. After installing the disc with our company developer I have the following problem:

If I look with the Windows Explorer on the first 3GB HDD on a file with the size of 1kb the size on the disk is 64kb.

If I look now on the second HDD with 60GB disk space, each file use 1MB on the disc even if the file is only 1kb.

I found some information in the web about this inodes setting for the mke2fs command. After that we did create the file system again and changed the parameter from 4096 to 1024.

But the usage of the disc space is the same. Each file use minimum 1MB disc space...

Does somebody know how to solve this problem? Or is this a Linux limitation because of the big disc size?

Kernel Version is 2.2.14
thanks to make my Linux webserver more efficient