To the north of San Francisco would definitely be the wine tasting, In San Fran itself you might want to see the tourist sites of Lombard Street, Golden Gate Bridge, the Exploratorium, Pier 39 , and the view from the top of the city by the radio towers gives you an outstanding view of the entire Bay area and all the bridges from the top. Or maybe while you are their, check out Pac Bell park and a Giants baseball game.

Driving east towards Lake Tahoe is a Budwieser refinery with free tours and drinking at the end in the city of Fairfield. Most Definitely see Lake Tahoe and for the Gambling stay at the South Shore Area. While there take a Paddle wheeler ride to Emerald Bay.

Heading out on Highway 50, go to Placerville (old gold Mining town) and then south through the hills toward Yosemite. A must to see.

100 miles south of San Fran is Monterey Bay, while there places to see are the Golf courses, Pebble Beach, Spy glass, or the white sand Beaches of Carmel Beach, Points of interest are Point Lobos, Big Sur, fisherman's Wharf, the pinnacles are sort of a Mini Yosemite, (west side) there is a site there formed by Earthquakes.
Well, that is a start, any questions drop me an email. It all depends on what you like to do, I can give you more detail, just email me.
"If it aint broke don't fix it, tear it apart and see how it works"