From my own experience:
I sent in email as soon as they were announced. I was not certain I would actually implement the hack (this was really before Mark volunteered to install as a service), but I knew I would rather have the kits and worry about the installation later.
I waited. I was impatient, too, but I knew I had three players (four at the time) to worry about. I sent in a message from another account, just in case.
Out of the blue (I wasn't expecting it) I received an email that the kits were ready. This was about the time when the molds began to break down, and he could not provide a Mark 2_ knob, just the 2a. I let him know that I only had 2a's, so I did not need the extra. He provided me a quote for the knobs and kits at that time, I sent in the money via PayPal. Soon after, I received the buttons and asked Mark about installation.
Do not worry that you haven't paid or anything at this point. When your email comes up, you will be contacted, asked if you are still interested and quoted a price. The four LED knob kits were slightly more expensive than listed on the web site, due to their being more components. It is worth it!!!
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs