I did... I didn't like the design.. not that's it's bad - but I would prefer a design that turns the fan off/on. It's not good to undervoltage some of those fans out there.. they can do kooky things... so I'm going to do something a little different..

Hey - does anyone know if there's an SPI interface inside the Empeg? I did read the onboard temp sensor is a DS1821 (or 1820) which are 1-wire devices.. mine works.. and I was thinking of using either a DS1721 or a 1-wire thermostat, if they have on... any prefs for anyone?? I suppose if one exists and is useful, I'll make the design for that in case anyone wants to write a hack to control the fan. I figure they could wire it to the adjustable temp-warning alarm which would reset the thermostat as well. When the alarm goes off at the new setting, so does the fan..

Comments, anyone?

Empeg Mk2 in fabulous green! Green Face, Green BackLit Buttons... GREEN...