I've done it. And then, a few days after getting things set up like I wanted, they downloaded 3.0 on me and it all got erased. I can verify that stock 3.0 works just fine with the TurboNet for just doing daily calls, though, as my phone line went out back there for a few days, and I switched it over. Worked just fine.

I was planning on downloading the shows to record onto VCD instead of VHS, but it turns out my ancient (but free) CD-R won't do XA-Mode2, which is required for VCDs. Plus, my computer's quite slow and I was having a hard time converting from TiVo MPEGs to VCD-compatible MPEGs. Supposedly, however, you can change one of the recording modes to record directly to a VCD-compatible format, but I wanted to edit commericals out anyway. I suppose I should get back to that before the new season starts, or I'll be running out of TiVo space real quickly.

But I digress.
Bitt Faulk