I'm implying he was implying the player software was way too timely/difficult to write by mere mortals. That whole thread was interesting.

Oh, I know that writing our own player app would be difficult. Their player app is really great, and a lot of time and effort went into creating it. I don't expect that anything we write would come close to it in terms of usability and features. At least not right away. It would take a lot of open-source "stone soup" development before it got really good.

However, there are a lot of people who are asking for certain features in the player that simply can't be done without rewriting the player app. And with the player hardware being EOL, it's safe to assume that any new features are going to come along slowly, if at all, from the empeg guys.

So just because writing our own player app would be hard, and just because it wouldn't be as good as the original player app, doesn't mean it's not a worthy undertaking. I think now would be a great time for a project like this to get underway.
Tony Fabris