You could get some information for your radio from a ford-trading-center or you take a look at some general informiation-material. If there is an extra cd-changer available to the exact type of radio you have then there will be something like a line-input (whatever connector-type it has).

If you get an amp then I'd throw away the factory radio (maybe you could leave it at your Ford-shop and save a few $). Then you won't have any problems with the connection and wiring. Just connect the Mk2's output to the amp's input and everything will be fine. The only thing you'd have to think if you uninstall the factory radio is that you'll have to get a car mounting kit from ford. Every manufactorer provides mounting kits for their cars so you shouldn't have any problems with that.

The only thing is that this "roundy" dash from the puma will have the not really best fitting Mk2. (I've got a similar problem with my new Peugeot 406) But who cares. The functionality, geek and coolness of this thing is what counts for me.
And if you don't install it directly in the dash - where else would you put it?


[orange]Mk2, # 080000143, 40+30 GB, Tuner, Peugeot stalk hookup</font color=orange>