IE does make layout a lot easier, but at the same time it lets you get away with a lot messier coding.
I've found that IE alwasy trys to "guess" what I was trying to code, and if I've f'd it up, it fixes it.
If I then go into Netscape, the page is a mess, cause Netscape doesnt try and guess what I was trying to do. It just displays the page as I've coded it. Right or wrong. This is especially applicable with tables, frames, and link URL formatting.
For example: If you have a space in a link URL on your page (a no-no), IE will automatically put a %20 in where the space was so it works for the end user. Netscape will just puke on it, and you'll get emails and calls saying that your links are broken.
The correct way to code it is without the space. IE fixes it for you, but that doesnt make it right.
I love IE, but Netscape users will always exist, and NS 6.0 is no treat either. I always test in NS 4.08 ( the last version of the standalone browser before 6.0), NS 6.0, Mozilla, IE and Opera. Its a pain, but it makes for bombproof code.

Sorry that was a little long, blab, blab, blab...

...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.