I can't understand these guys (the RIAA).

They go after the messengers all the time.

Why didn't they just tackle the root of the problem?
and just get the Domain Name yanked from the .COM TLD nameservers?

These sorts of things have happened before and the powers that be have simply told Verisign or whomever controls the root domain servers for the .com TLD to stop providing access to that webserver.

[Don't think that can happen? - well recall September 11 and the shutting down of many .com websites/domains that various governments didn't like (whether the shutdown happened directly or via the domain servers at Verisign or whomever controls the .com TLD I don't know].

Having cut the link between the domain and the servers that host it, then let the owners of the said domain and/or website step forward to complain in the US courts if they think their civil or other rights have been violated.

Then the RIAA will see who the real owners are and can go after them rather than this "shoot everyone who moves" approach.

If no-one complains, then problem solved. When the next domain appears, repeat -
[ad infinitum no doubt]

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with the RIAA or their tactics, but they seem to be taking a wrong headed approach - unless they are trying to set a legal precedent which will allow the RIAA to make the ISPs their stool pigeons and the RIAA can then censor any website anywhere on the planet on their 'say-so'.

And that situation would be even scarier than having the FBI or CIA be able to do the same thing as at least the organisations like the FBI and CIA etc are accountable to a government somewhere.

The RIAA appears to be accountable to no-one - and thats what really scares me.