Alright, check this out kids... So if you've been following my thread here we've talked about possibly faulty hard drive cables, bad grounds, etc. All of which I personally never thought could be the culprit (Sorry if i spelled that wrong, never knew how to spell that one ) But here's somfin I found that may have you all rethinking your accusations. So I usually, for securities sake, remove my unit EVERY NIGHT and take it inside with me. So, I bit my lip, and have decided to leave it in the car sled for about a week strait now. And what do ya know... EVERY SINGLE TIME, I turn the switch, It pop's right up, NO PROBLEMS... I'm REALLY leaning toward something being wrong with the sled, and or connector now. It seems that if I leave it there, nothing happens... If I always pull it out, and stick it back in, I seem to have to remove and insert it multiple times til it "clicks" and works... So has anyone heard of any faulty sleds and/or sled connectors. If so, what can I do about this?