
Right. A question to put to the general public.

I have had a few hours to work on the tuner build manual, and have got most of the actual electronics bit sorted. There's still the before and after parts to do, but the middle is mostly finished. However...

It's currently a number of documents in different formats, which get merged into a postscript document then converted to PDF. This is in colour, but my original printing method would have produced mono hard copy. See attached file for an example of the PDF output. The component highlighting, which is very obvious in colour, is still noticeable in mono but not as good.

I have had two people so far (out of two I've let proofread it) say that they wished the output was in colour since it stands out more. But, obviously, producing hard copy in colour is a lot more expensive than mono. The suggestion has been made that I should, in fact, not even bother producing a printed manual but just have it available as a PDF for download from the website.

This has a number of advantages, not least of which is the ability to update it and correct any errors. The final file will be, at a rough estimate, 3-4MB in size. Does this, in anyone's opinion, seem likely to cause major offense/hassle/problems/fatwa's, etc? I have to admit I'd prefer to do it this way, but if it's going to cause real problems for a significant fraction of the observable universe I'll have to find another way.


111872-man.gif (298 downloads)

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...