A few people have mentioned playing with the Palms and the Empeg.
I was wondering how everyone is getting on and if it was worth me starting
to play too now I have some spare time....

Well.. It depends what would you like to do. As it is, there's not much you can do without programming something on your own. But, if you end up doing something yourself, then the possibilities are nearly endless.

I'm using my Palm Vx with empeg almost on daily basis for navigation and developing purposes. I'm using Palm in my GPS project to display street-level maps which are transferred from empeg to Palm on-the-fly depending on the current geographical location. For this purpose, the Palm and IrDA work perfectly. Though, this is just one example how empeg IrDA capabilities can be used, I believe I could think of many other applications as well. And some nice smaller-scale things could probably be achieved just by sending SMS text messages to empeg via IrDA from regular cellular phones.

However, remember that before you can use the empeg IrDA capabilities you need to build a new empeg kernel which has IrDA and optionally sysctl support enabled. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if the regular developer image would contain these someday by default, as they won't take that much extra space.
