Hm. Yes, so I have...

DSL coming into the house plugged into the untrust port of a NetScreen 5XP which is doing NAT for all my stuff on the trusted port. The trusted port is plugged into a switch. I have a Linksys WAP11 plugged into the switch as well as a bunch of PCs, empegs, etc. The WAP doesn't have an IP address at all. It's just a bridge.

I can use laptops with 802.11b cards just fine. I just want to be able to wirelessly connect to my TiVo, a PS2 (if I get one) etc. in another room without running another cable to that other room...

I think you were right... Another WAP device running as a bridge should work. The NAT from the NetScreen should assign IP addresses as needed. Right? There shouldn't be an issue with multiple devices hanging off the second WAP as the WAP is just a bridge...

- Jon