MDF isn't reconstituted wood.... There are potential issues with edge expansion depending on what type of liquid adhesive you use and how much of it. Mark could supply the pieces pre-drilled for screws though or pre-slotted for biscuits which will make gluing easy and solid.
Mark's use of biscuits is a really good idea for a very solid (and clean) finish. The biggest pitfalls of using MDF are the fragility of its edges. Once rounded, sealed and painted, the top should not be a problem. Painting a cut or sanded MDF edge can be pretty ugly depending on paint selection. Sealing with some type of primer will be highly recommended.
My main concern with MDF will be the front edges where the player might impact during insertion. The repeated wear on those spots will likely damage the finish and may also start to break down the MDF. I haven't read the thread in such detail to find out if Mark is going to somehow reinforce this area.
All in all, very smart design for a small enclosure without using a metal sled. Very creative air-flow channel on the top as well.
I wish I had enough space for a workshop where I'm renting now. I have a perfectly nice (and new) metal bender sitting near my front door right now just begging to be bolted down. All my larger shop tools are up at my parent's house right now too. Uuuugh... I just have some basic stuff on me at the moment. And I don't think I'm going to be building too many enclosures with a hammer, a handful of pliers, wrenches and cutters, a hack saw and a cordless hammer drill. Oh, I also have a nice plunge/fixed router, but my work table is up at my parents - so nowhere to mount it.

I was up on the weekend (it takes a bit over an hour) and managed to squeze in some wood cutting and routing for a small mod I'm doing to my Wusthof knife block.
BTW, Papst make some small, very low db fans. I actually need a couple to replace the stock fans in my Shuttle system (and its twin which will be here soon).
Friggen IR keybrd and tpos...