True, True.

As I forgot, your right about tunes being contained in more than one play list but we could still show which playlist and its path from the root of the playlist structure the current playing tune is from.

I just hate it when I hear a great tune and then go to find out what album e.t.c. It’s from and all I get for it's info is "track xx"

Even if all the ID info is there and displayed you still have to make a calculated judgment on where that tune resides buried in your playlists to play it some other time. Unless of course every album/unattached tune is organised so brilliently that you can do this without a thought. This may work the majority of times. maybe maybe not!?!

The idea of marking tracks left right and center all the time. Seems a bit messy and not an instantaneous solution.

Does neone else feel this would be a usfull feature to have, or am I on my own hear?