Some of the following assumptions are obtained rom line 390 of playerdb.cpp in emptool.

The 'playlist' database is a list of FILEID's, one right after another.

The 'length' tag for a playlist in the "database" file refers to number of FILEIDs for tunes immediately following that particular playlist's FILEID ('length'/sizeof(FILEID))

At this point I guess my question is, how does the playlist file and the database file match up? I figure the playlist entries in the database file appear in the same order as those in the playlists file. However how does a song FILEID in the playlists file match up to a 'tune' entry in the database file? Not all tunes in the database have a 'fileid' tag, and even the ones that do don't really match up to real FILEIDs. And songs don't really appear in the database file immediately following their proper playlist.
