You can do a few things to make sure that it doesn't end in smoke and tears.
- Make sure you have a ground leak isolator in the house's switch board. If things fuse up this will trip like a normal circuit breaker preventing greater tragedies.
- Use a switched power board with a circuit breaker built in. If the load it too great it will shut off first. A board with individually switched outlets would be ideal.
- You could also try a UPS on some of the equipment too. If there is too much load for the main circuit, the UPS would soak it up for a short time. you want to be careful with this as too great a load on the UPS will burn the batteries

when you turn the equipment on, do it in stages so that you don't have a huge initial current draw. Most devices draw close to their current rating at start up, eg hard drives spinning up, monitors warming up.

-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?