So what are your opinions on this?

Somehow I think that, if Hell *did* turn out to exist, you aren't going to burn in it. It is a good sign that you pause to ask the question!

But what about stuff you can't buy?

Yes, this to me is one of the ethical determinants. You could say that the owners of the STP/Soundgarden/Nirvana collective estate have the right to keep those music videos from you by not publishing/selling them, but I think that's pretty weak.

My position may be the weaker one from a legal standpoint, but, as a somewhat similar example, I've thought of putting up an homage of out-of-print Kliban cartoons. If Workman Publishing has a problem with that, my feeling is ...why don't they put them back in print?

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood. I was listening to yet another news report today on NPR about college stations going off line due to their inability to pay RIAA fees. Ridiculous. I hope RIAA is happy. I have to say that the music on my Empeg is 99.9% from CDs I own, but if this keeps up that might change. Yes, I have kept to a CD-only policy out of a combination of desire for quality and ethical responsibility to artists, but if this keeps up i think I'll be ready to start a "CD Club" on top of my monthly book club and start passing around burned copies of CDs just to keep a few dollars out of the hands of RIAA.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.