I'm fairly certain that Perfect Dark on the N64 had an anamorphic widescreen setting.

Oh, I know that there are games that exist which have widescreen options. I've just never owned one before. And it's not something that's widely advertised as far as I can tell, you kind of don't know about it until you've gotten the game home and dug into the options menu.

[(Monkey target on the original is excellent fun... =)

I'm not yet sure whether I like Monkey Target 2 yet. It's significantly different than Monkey Target 1, and I'm not sure I like the changes.

For starters, two-player is simultaneous splitscreen instead of turn-taking. This is nice (especially in 16:9 mode where you can have the two screens side by side), and it adds the element of you being able to bump your opponent or race to reach powerups, but I think I preferred the more relaxed, more strategic turn-taking element of the original one better.

There's some other differences that I'm still coming to grips with, but even if I decide I hate Monkey Target 2, there's a whole slew of other party games on there that are great fun and make it well worth the price. My daughter just unlocked Monkey Baseball for me (I never play the single-player game), and I think I'd like to try Monkey Dogfight after that.
Tony Fabris