Slashdot Story

Well, more proof that "The SciFi Channel" dosen't want to be known for decent SciFi shows, they aparently are backing out of a fifth season of Farscape, and didn't let the crew know until two days before season four filming finished. Thus, the show will end with an enternal cliffhanger with a slim possiblility of resolution down the road somehow.

I plan on faxing many letters tomorrow, as set deconstruction is scheduled for the middle of this week. I really hope any slight fan of the show here does the same. I'm just getting really tired of all these teasers that networks have been doing. TNT took over Babylon 5, and helped stretch it to 5 years as planned. Then they start another series, botch it completly, and leave fans hanging after 13 episodes. SciFi then takes ahold of the rights, tries to spawn a series, but dosen't move the airdate of the premiere off an NFL sunday (that was pushed out due to 9/11/01 attacks), and thus the series dies even though it showed potential in the raitings where it didn't compete with the NFL games. SciFi in recent memory has also killed off The Invisible Man (great comedy series), and Sliders (started out well, but their mishandeling of it from the migration from Fox killed it).

I just recently picked up on Odyssey 5 on Shotime, and I hope they actually see it through. I'm tired of seeing crappy SciFi, and want to see something with an interesting, long and drawn out story idea survive.

Grr, overall, I'm just pissed that no network has the guts to actually do something with successful shows. Farscape was aparently a big hit for SciFi. One has to really wonder why it's getting canceled.