I have a fun question for all y'all international types (that's American for 'people who don't live in the U.S.'):

My girlfriend and I are planning on moving in a little under two years to another location. Our preference is to move to another country, as we're relatively young, childless and doing well enough financially to take a few years off from the rat race. She wants to go to grad school, and I'll... do whatever. I may go to school, teach skydiving, drive a truck, 'do computers', that sort of thing.

We're now considering our options, and we'd like to make a decision in the next 9 months on where we want to go (to give us time to get applications in). English-speaking countries are good, though we're not adverse to learning another language. Political stability is a plus. A major universrity is required, and it should be *interesting*. We're leaving our careers to expand our minds and have fun, not plug away a few more years in a drab industrial town.

So the question is: is your country/city a good one? Does it meet the criteria above? Any input would be great, all we have to work off of is propoganda and word-of-mouth otherwise.
your fiend, mafisto