make (..) settings like this via emplode
No, please! Emplode is a bad place to do car-dependent settings.
Doing it via emplode would require that the player is taken inside the home to adjust it to the way a specific car is wired. Imagine, that you have it
incorrectly set for a (long) journey: all muted, or without UI (dimmed).
Setting them via emplode, will also seriously hamper switching the player between vehicles. Can you imagine, hooking the player up to emplode
every time it is exchanged between vehicles??

I disagree. Have both. I think that some of the menus need tidying up and standardising but all the feature that are available which are settable, should be available on both. Changing between car and home mode could be done by a tab on the prefs box. This would make editing parameters so much easier.

Murray 06000047
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?