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Yes, the same thing happens to my player (30 GB with 1600 tracks), but at 42 seconds. The dropouts seem a little shorter in duration than the ones that occur without doing the pause at 2 seconds, but still it shouldn't happen.

Right, it shouldn't. Is it possible that some drives take longer to spinup than the player software expects? I timed my 60GB with a stopwatch, and the total spinup time for both drives is roughly 3.75 to 4 seconds. 2 seconds per drive seems normal to me, but the "W" appears at beginning of the second drive's spinup. Does anyone know the max drive spinup time that the player expects? Is there any way to adjust this easily?

I did some searching through the forum posts and found some threads of similar problems here , here , here , here , and here .

do you know if the problem mentioned in this thread was resolved in any post 2b11 release? I looked through the release notes for beta13, but none of the bugfixes listed seemed to relate to this particular issue.
-- John