I have a strange projext. I'm going to add lights to my keyboard. However, I need all the help I can get from you guys.

I like the keyboard I have at the moment very much. It's a black Dell QuietKey. I like the action on it more than almost any keyboard I've found. It's pretty quiet, just the right resistance and travel on the keys. However, the keys don't really come off. I've unscrewed the back and determined that they are pretty much attached to the top half of the board.

What I need is a new keyboard that:
-has removeable keys
-has a good feel to it (subjective, I know, but still...)
-have to be able to pass a wire through the walls seperating things like the funtion, arrow, num pad, and escape keys. Mine is completely seperated and that's a problem
-preferably a black keyboard. non-ergonimic would be better.

Lastly, I have to ask, what is better for keyboards, PS/2 or USB?

So I'd appreciate it if you could take a second to look at your keyboard, see if it fits these requirements, and tell me what you have! Thanks!