Anyone know where to get an Extra drive cable for the Empeg ??

mine is getting pretty ragged

P.S. Starts Stopwatch to see how long it takes Tony to Respond (I think that guy Lives here

Hideously deformed, hiding from the world's eyes in
his dank hole, Belezeebub thrives despite his ostracism from society. But what is he plotting in his dark caverns? What schemes are brewing in the nether
regions of the night? Belezeebub watches everyone, but who watches him?
What is this thing called madness? They say those touched by insanity have also been touched by divinity.
Madness is often only a step away from enlightenment and, for some it's a step behind.

Mad, Adj.: Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence;not conforming to the standards of though, speech and action derived by the conforments from study of themselves.