You got it! My pretenses of erudition are hereby shamelessly exposed!

Okay, then, Doug, to educate you:

Those were quotes from a British sci-fi comedy television series called "Red Dwarf". Pretty low budget, at least it was when I watched it. Lister and Rimmer were main characters. Lister being (as I recall) an English rastufarian (if there can be such a thing) with a laid-back attitude, and Rimmer being a sentient hologram with a perpetual burr up his butt. Sort of an "Odd Couple" in space. Despite the low budget and rough edges, I really liked the first season's episodes because they had an edgy quality to the humor that rubbed me the right way. Then I quit watching when the show was re-tooled with different characters for the next season- the humor turned forced and un-funny all of a sudden.

One of its likable points was that characters insulted each other by calling each other "smeg-heads". Good choice on the part of the writers- it's disgusting if you get the reference, but it gets past the censors quite nicely. I busted a gut when I first heard them say it.

Okay, this thread has gone off-topic now by at least four steps removed. Not a record yet. Anyone want to go for five, and really get the topic police on our case? (We probably will if someone has to ask what "smeg-head" refers to.)

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris