I don't know if this is at all possible but here it goes. Lets say ir_translate is used to make a single press of the Knob.T=KnobSeek. Could one make a subsequent knob press at that point to open the door for 2 different commands to the knob turns? It'd be neat if say, KnobLeft could toggle between station presets A, B, and C while a KnobRight could toggle between AM and FM?

I prefer not using the remote as you may have guessed and so I got the idea from how the default knob press opens up the Volume and subsequent presses toggle beween Loudness, Balance, Beep Level, and back to Volume.

Funny thing about all this is that I don't even own a tuner yet but I plan to get one soon. fake_tuner=1 is cool.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.